Wednesday, November 6, 2013

14 Months (well, almost!)

I haven't kept up on tracking Eli like I thought I would. Life is a bit of a whirlwind when you have a little person, but despite that I am enjoying all of our moments. I am thankful with each new day that he and I have together. He will be 14 months on November 21st! He has his next Dr. appt. on the 13th and I always look forward to those.

He's such a love! Smiles and laughs a ton. He is very expressive and this might be my very favorite thing about him. He is getting more cuddly. Sometimes he will walk up from behind me (while I am sitting on the floor, playing with him) and hug my neck.

His absolute favorite is when he gets his shoes put on and you let him loose! He is quite independent.

He's still in a size 3 diaper (such a skinny little waist!). He's quickly growing out of his size 4.5 shoes.
He wears size 12-18 month shirts, but he could seriously still rock some 9 month pants. 12's are often too big!

He goes to a woman's house who watches children two days per week. He used to cry when I dropped him off (mainly because he was tired at that time in the morning), but now he goes easily. He tries to open the door to the basement where the kids are already playing. This does make it easier on this Mama!
He also spends one day per week with each set of his Grandparent's. He still hasn't spent the night anywhere, I haven't been ready for that - but, I know he would do just fine at either place.

He does very well in social settings (unless he's tired!) - he loves watching people, especially kids. He laughs every time he sees a's the cutest!

He sleeps 8-10 hours straight per night. Wakes up in the early morning for a bottle and then goes back to sleep for a short time.

My favorite time with him continues to be the morning! He's so happy!!! And, we have the getting ready down to an art. He knows the program and he goes with it easily. We get up so early that getting out of the house, on time, is never an issue.

He is down to one nap per day! This is a bummer because he is very tired in the in crabby tired! So the hour and a half leading up to bedtime is a little challenging ; ) He sleeps 1.5 to 3 hours for his nap. Usually the 1.5 for me and the 3 for Kirstan who watches him. She gets the good nap because the kids wear him out! The Grandma's get anywhere from 1.5 to 3, just depends on him that day!

His hair color seems to be getting blonde and I am thrilled about that. We don't have much blonde hair in my family! He's got my brown eyes, but Rob & Emily's eyelashes and eye shape. He is a good mix of Rob and I depending on his expression can look just like either one of us!

We are enjoying our gift and aren't taking any of it for granted. Thank you God for our precious son!