Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Snow Baby

Snow Baby
The cool winter air could easily keep me inside. One look at my baby and I'm called to give him an adventure. He gets one childhood ... and we're in it. I desire to give him moments. My heart says these moments are for Mama-too. I bundle us up in our winter gear. He stands at the door with a full smile. I said the word sled...he knows this word. Out we go. He sits patiently as I strap him in. He's only patient when he likes what's coming next. I pull him through the snow. We zip all around the yard. I'm surprised at how much effort this takes! It would have been easy to stay inside and skip this cold and strenuous activity. One look at my happy and seemingly warm baby makes my heart flutter. He will always be more important than my comfort. I want to remember this time...I want to remember to continue to choose him. I'm so grateful for the perspective this child brings.