Friday, February 7, 2014

The Words You Speak

The first word you comprehended was hot. You could say it and understand what it meant. Grandma and Grandpa J taught you hot to keep you away from their wood burning stove. Somehow from that you knew the dryer was hot. When you see the steam from our steamer you call that hot, too! The smoke from our outdoor wood boiler also causes you to yell, hot! Its impressive to watch you discover all on your own. You can say this and that...and as of this week Bobbie and Robbie! :) I taught you baby from one of your picture books and everytime you see a baby picture of yourself around the house you proclaim with certainty..."baby!" You're finally calling me Mama which of course is my favorite word that you say! But, even started saying my Mama. Love that! You chatter all day in your own language, you definitely know what you mean and all of us that spend time with you talk back to you as if we know what you're saying. Though your vocabulary is small, you do know what most things are. You know which dog is Molly and which is Roxy. You know all your farm animals and can bring them to me when I ask for each by name. You know what a book is and when I ask you to put it back on the bookshelf you easily comply. You like to take my car keys and pretend to put them in the ignition of your 4wheeler! You know truck, tractor, wagon. You know sled and outside. When we say outside you go to the closet and pull out your coat and boots. You help Mama feed the dogs each morning. You are responsible for putting their food in the bowls. I give the dogs their bowls because for some reason you get really angry during this part. You just want to walk around with the dishes, not actually feeding the dogs! I'm working on this. You get in trouble daily for standing on chairs. You're a very careful boy...even in your recklessness. Your motor skills have been outstanding for so long. You have incredible balance. I foresee stunts in your future and I'm sure I'll be freaked out! My favorite thing to do with you is play barn farm. I made that up. I think I always wanted that red barn when I was a child...definitely making up for lost time! Daddy's favorite is taking you on outside adventures and playing with your mega blocks. You are comic relief, you are sunshine no matter the weather outside. We are blessed to get to be with you each day. We love you, son.