Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Two Year Old

I am Mama to a 2 year old. I've loved all of Eli's stages (and each one has been my favorite!), but this guessed favorite!!! Seriously, I was made to parent this age because I Love To Play! He and I have such a relationship now. He interacts so well. His level of understanding made a big leap once he turned the big TWO. He says everything, but still calls his milk "bodee," even though he can finally say milk. Still has his pacifier (a.k.a "pappy"). He's not a picky eater he just doesn't eat much these days. He's obsessed with tractors and will tell strangers at the grocery store that "the backhoes broken" (it really is) and that "Papa fix it" (which may or may not happen. My Dad has a backhoe and Eli misses the days when it worked and he could ride along. Eli loves Elmo and Thomas the Train and getting read to (yay for his book loving Mama!). We go to parks often as well as schedule play dates. Rob and I are trying to be super intentional about his childhood. We like to give him adventure and new experiences. It's sometimes more fun for us! Big sis, Emily, started highschool and she's loving it. Everytime we drive past her school Eli shouts, "there Ebbie school!" Eli has taken a special liking to Em's friend Reagan, its so cute to watch him when she's around. He shows off, acts silly, and always brings her toys and books to play and read with him. He has spent the night multiple times at both Grandparents and once at Uncle Nate's and Auntie Monica's. Rob and I even went out of town in August to Lake of the Ozarks for the weekend and left Eli for the first time! This is such a fun age. Sometimes he hits or throws a fit, but I know that is normal at this age...overall he continues to be a sweet and social boy who can share and has good manners (please, thank you and even bless you when you sneeze!). I'm thankful to be able to spend so much time with him. My intention is to be present and enjoy each day for the gift that it is. I'm imperfect, but I give him my best and I won't have any regrets when I'm sitting in that rocking chair as an old woman (the Lord willing) looking backwards upon my life at my most important role...Mama.