Friday, August 17, 2012

You're Gonna Miss This

Being home with Eli has been the most special time in my life. Before I became pregnant with him, the Lord had me on an important journey in discovering Him. During that time, I learned something enormous and that is this ... only God can fill the empty places in your life. Only God can fill the empty spaces in your heart. I did not "need" a baby to fill something. I wanted a baby to add something. Because I was paying attention to my lessons along the way, by the time I became pregnant with Eli, I felt whole within myself. Yes, I wanted a baby...yes, I desired to be a mama. But, there is no pressure on Eli to make me whole. It is not his job to fill my cup...that is my own work to do. Being Eli's mama is amazing because he's adding so much joy to our life. What I know about our son, so far: -he has my chin and daddy's lips, he has daddy's eyelashes, but I think his eyes are on their way to brown - like mine. He smiles often, but he's also quite serious. He loves to stare at a lamp in a dark room - he's in complete awe. According to our pediatrician, babies at this stage like contrast! He dislikes being in a dirty diaper and he gets hangry (hungry/angry)like mama! He likes his pacifier sometimes, but enjoys his fingers and thumb more...daddy's not so happy about this, he sees dollar signs (a.k.a braces). Doesn't bother me, I sucked my thumb til' I was 9 (true story)...and yes, I had braces :) He loves movement...always falls asleep in the car, stroller or swing! Rob has actually taken him on a car ride at 1 a.m to put him to sleep during one of those rough nights! He also loves white noise like his daddy and mama. It's easy for me to get myself ready with him - the sound of the shower, the fan in the bathroom, the blowdryer ... these are comforting sounds to him. He likes tummy time and I believe will be rolling over way ahead of schedule. He is a very determined little fella'! He also likes his activity mat. He hits and pulls at the animals and likes to kick them with his feet - too! He loves being sang to. Rob and I both have a talent of making up songs on the fly (we do not have the talent of actually having a nice singing voice). I wish some of them had been recorded, they were actually quite impressive! My dad always made up songs and sang them (badly) when we were young - clearly I got this gift from him. Eli makes a lot of cute little noises. Rob is such a light sleeper that these cute noises actually wake him up...he might not find them so cute in the middle of the night! :) He finally likes bathtime! He used to scream at the top of his lungs during this time, but now he is quiet and happy. I always save the baths for Rob so that we can do it together, it's such a special time. Plus, much easier with 4 hands! I am so grateful for Eli. I'm so content. Holding him, rocking him, looking at him, playing with him...even changing his diaper! I love all the moments. I know this time will pass by and I'll never get it back. My intention that I set for myself is to enjoy each interaction with him. It sure makes the middle of the night a lot easier to get through! I'm so beyond thrilled to be his mama! It's added a new and glorious dimension to our life. It's better than I could have ever imagined. He truly is a gift, one to be opened with each new day. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you.

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