Monday, September 24, 2012

Don't Blink

And, just like that Eli is a 2 month old baby (as of this past Friday the 21st)! Last week I packed up his newborn clothes, he definitely got his use out of them though (due to the days we were sometimes in 3 different outfits thanks to a certain brand of diapers that shall remain nameless) ; )
He had his 2 month checkup today and that went quite well. He now weighs 10lbs 13oz! Last month he weighed in at 9lbs 2oz. He's definitely making up for being born a few weeks early! Eli is 22.75 inches long. He is now able to hold his head up for a short time and he can also let go of your hair after he grabs it (before you'd have to pry his hands off of you). He does a lot of cute, sounds like oooooooh. Rob will sit for long periods of time and go oooooooooh and Eli will oooooooooh back to him. Yesterday, Rob told me that he can feel the bond between him and Eli when they do their back and forth oooooooooing as they look into each others eyes. Rob says he just knows that Eli will want to hang around with him all the time because he's so cool. I just smiled and said, of course honey!  Seriously though...inside, I was extremely happy. What woman doesn't want their husband to be crazy about their child? It's just so beautiful. The Dr. was impressed with Eli's social skills. He watched her with such interest as she spoke softly to him. He also followed her movements, all good signs! He was in such a relaxed state during the visit (even after having his rectal temperature taken). I was glad about that as this was my first time taking him by myself. Everything was fine until he had to get 3 shots (vaccinations). He cried so intensely that he lost his breath. If I hadn't experienced this before I am sure it would have freaked me out, but I expected it this time and I knew he'd be okay right after.
His next Drs. visit is the end of November..he will be 4 months old then! I know that will be here before I know it (like that country song says, "don't blink").

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