Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Two Dogs & A Baby

Eli doesn't yet know it, but he is a future pack leader to two big female Rottweilers. I love my girls and though I have always trusted them around children, I wasn't sure what they'd make of the baby...they'd never seen one of those! I was pretty confident that they would just want to lick Eli...like all the time. But, there was a (small) part of me that was concerned. Thankfully, I was right and yes they do just want to lick him. I don't keep the baby from them. From day one I let them have their time with him (supervised, of course). We'll have to be careful once Eli starts walking though because Molly and Roxy have no idea how big they are (75 & 85 lbs). They are a herding breed and I often find myself being herded!!!

Molly (our almost 2 yr old Rott) is Mama Dog. She has to follow me every time Eli needs a diaper change. When he cries, she looks at me like "aren't you going to do something about that?!" When we first brought Eli home, Molly would cry everytime he did for the first few weeks. It really bothered her! I love my dogs and I love my baby and I'm just thrilled that it's all going so well.

                                                                 Eli + Mama Dog, Molly

Eli + Roxy on her 8th birthday (8/15/12)

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