Sunday, September 23, 2012

Plant, Water ... Wait

This morning I was looking out my dining room window and saw a beautiful jeweled hummingbird in my backyard. It then flew to the front of the house and began eating the sweet nectar from my impatiens. As I watched it fly from flower to flower, I realized something. If I hadn't planted the impatiens and kept them watered, I would not have had that precious moment. It's such a great analogy to living life close to God. He is always present, behind the scenes, working out what we cannot see. But, we have to do our part. I'm big on praying, but pairing praying with action is even more powerful.  I once read that faith is an action word. I love that ... it's believing plus doing. It's waiting on God, but walking towards him while you're waiting. We have to plant ... and it doesn't end there. Then, we must water regularly. And, as we're watering we wait. The results are not always immediate. In fact, they usually aren't. I have a friend who is currently struggling with infertility. I'm trying to be a light in the darkness for her (because I know the season she is in all to well). I tell her it's okay to feel sad and depressed, but to let those feelings only have moments -don't let them take root. I'm praying for this friend. And, as I'm praying for her I'm thanking God for Eli. That I am on the other side of that struggle. That he met me and gave me my hearts desire. When I pray for my friend I, of course, am asking for her to receive a blessing. But, more than that I'm asking that she discover God in a deeper way. Because traveling with him, sure makes the load of the journey lighter!        Matthew 11:30    "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

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