Friday, December 28, 2012

5 Months-rollin'

Eli turned 5 months old on December 21st. At his 4 month appointment, the Monday after Thanksgiving, I learned that he weighed 13lbs 4 oz (exactly 7lbs above his birth weight). This picture is at his Drs. appt.
I can finally understand how my mom didn't fill in my baby book. She had one for me and the only part filled out was my name. I have given her a hard time about this for years! Now that I am a mother, I get it. The time moves swiftly. I am very present in my time with Eli. I am enjoying all of our moments. But, with that being said...the time still moves. The fact that I already endured an entire pregnancy and now have an (over)5 month old baby absolutely floors me!
Eli rolled over on December 10th for the first time! For a few weeks, he just rolled from his back to his front, but couldn't figure out how to roll back. Now while he sleeps he rolls all around. I am not a big fan of this because, like me, Eli likes to sleep on his stomach. I know that he can move his head, but I am still worried about something awful happening with his head being down like that. I am a new mama and this is something I have to work through! He continues to wake up two to three times in the night, but for the most part falls back asleep after his bottle. It's probably time to start feeding him baby food, but I'm dragging me feet on that. I know that I have until 6 months - and I also know I'd probably be sleeping through the night if I did start giving him food. I guess I just haven't been ready. My baby is changing so fast and while I look forward to each new milestone, I can't help but look backwards, at times, to that newborn phase. We seem so far from that now and I am a touch saddened by that fact. I still can't believe how much I enjoyed those newborn days!

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